Monday, May 28, 2012

Chocolate Overload

Last week I was abruptly woken by stomach pains and then proceeded to throw up for the rest of the day. It was horrible! Seeing food and not being able to eat it is torture for me. It wasn't until the Friday that I started eating normally again, which in hindsight I shouldn't have because I hadn't fully recovered... nevertheless, a week later, I'm almost better, hooray!

Sunday is normally movie day and before the movies Jack and I like to treat ourselves to drinks at Theobroma Chocolate Lounge. The other week we were particularly hungry after a disappointing lunch so ordered a bit to eat as well.

Wildberry Frappe and Dark Hot Chocolate
Waffles with Ice Cream
Chocolate Mousse
Jack's new love is the wildberry frappe; refreshing and tasty. For me, anything with dark chocolate because it's "healthy". The waffles were yummy but would have been healthier with dark melted chocolate ha! The mousse however was terrible. For someone with low standards and likes the KFC chocolate mousse desserts, I had trouble eating this. Perhaps it was too rich and too gelatinous? I don't know, I know where gelatin comes from but this was the first time I could see and taste it's origin in the back of my mind?! Strange. But other than that, I love this place. Jack used to bring me chocolates at work before we started dating and Theobroma was one of the first places we hung out at. Oh the memories...


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